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    The goals of this campaign are framed within the objectives of the overall project 'Radial Profunda de Canarias', being the experimental cruise of the proposal. Thus, this cruise will help to: • Determine the structure of the current when it reaches the Canary Islands, of the Outcrop Current and the polar counterflow of slope in its passage through the Canary Archipelago and the African slope, stimating its mass transport, heat and nutrients. • Characterize the different modes of variability of heat and mass transport in easternorth atlantic subtropical gyre and the oucrop in northwest African coast. • Characterize the annual cycle in the physical conditions of the surface layers and mixture to where the seasonal cycle is significant, relating it to the meteorological forcings. • Characterization of changes in water masses, mainly in the North Atlantic Central Water (NACW), in Antarctic Atlantic Intermediate Water (AAIW) in Mediterranean Water (MW), bottom waters of the Canary Basin and the oucrop in northwest African coast, in based on temperature, salinity, nutrients and oxygen. • To characterize the zooplancton and micronecton deep communities. The main target of the "VULcanología CAnaria submariNA, VULCANA" project, is to study from a physicochemical, biological and geological point of view underwater volcanoes and hydrothermal systems active or not in the entire Canary basin. In addition, special attention will be given to the continuity of studies carried out in the Tagoro submarine volcano on the island of El Hierro, continuing like this, with one of the Longest physical-chemical-biological time series in the Spanish territory. The specific objectives of the Vulcana1119 campaign will be: 1. Continue with the physical-chemical monitoring studies of the only active underwater volcano in phase of degassing of the Spanish territory, Tagoro submarine volcano, on the island of El Hierro. 2. Determination of the speed of protein synthesis (estimate of production of new biomass) in planktonic microbial communities using the technique proposed by Smith and Azam in 1992.

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    The campaign targets under INFUECO 1112, to carry on board the research vessel Angeles Alvariño, are the identification and mapping of habitats and characterization of biogenic benthic and demersal species. Specific objectives focus on the investigation of benthic Banks areas of 'Amanay' and 'El Banquete' by direct and visual methods. Specifically: · Extensive visual videogrammetry HD with sled towed "APHIA 2012". · Study epibenthic fauna through the use of beam trawl, to capture sessile and reduced mobility fauna in shallow soft bottoms and rock, and rock dredge for qualitative sampling of wildlife sessile hard bottom fauna. · Recognition with multibeam bathymetric and TOPAS parametric probe.

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    Main targets of PECAN 1602 are: - Setting-up of R/V Ángeles Alvariño as acoustic-fisheries prospecting vessel. - Optimizing sampling design for the systematic study and abundance estimating of Canary Islands pelagic species. - Using echo integration as a method to estimate Canary Islands pelagic species abundance.

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    The campaign targets under INFUECO 1112, to carry on board the research vessel Angeles Alvariño, are the identification and mapping of habitats and characterization of biogenic benthic and demersal species. Specific objectives focus on the investigation of benthic Banks areas of 'Amanay' and 'El Banquete' by direct and visual methods. Specifically: · Extensive visual videogrammetry HD with sled towed "APHIA 2012". · Study epibenthic fauna through the use of beam trawl, to capture sessile and reduced mobility fauna in shallow soft bottoms and rock, and rock dredge for qualitative sampling of wildlife sessile hard bottom fauna. · Recognition with multibeam bathymetric and TOPAS parametric probe.

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    The campaign targets under INCOECO 1012, to carry on board the research vessel Angeles Alvariño, are the identification and mapping of habitats and characterization of biogenic benthic and demersal species. Specific objectives focus on the investigation of benthic Bank area of La Concepción by direct and visual methods. Specifically: · Intensive videogrammetry HD visual and sampling with ROV Liropus 2000 · Extensive visual videogrammetry HD with sled towed "APHIA 2012". · Study epibenthic fauna through the use of beam trawl, to capture sessile and reduced mobility fauna in shallow soft bottoms and rock, and rock dredge for qualitative sampling of wildlife sessile hard bottom fauna. · Study of the endobenthic fauna by use of the meso mud dredge box-corer. · Recognition with multibeam bathymetric and TOPAS parametric probe.

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    Estacion Anclade B-I

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    Hidrologia de Tunidos II-B

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    Collection of data needed to estimate Abundance and biomass of species of commercial interest

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    CR Estoc / Corica 0203 - Study of currents and transport, from the surface to the bottom in the ESTOC Fixed Station. Long-term maintenance of a current anchor-meters, which in turn take continuous temperature and salinity data, at determined depths. - Study of currents and transport, from the surface to the bottom, in the Lanzarote-Africa channel. Specific study of the bottom currents and differentiation of the water masses in the mentioned channel. Seasonal and interannual monitoring of the intermediate Antarctic water vein

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    Exploration of deep-sea fisheries in the fishing grounds of Morocco, within the framework of cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.